Monday 9 November 2015

Deadline Week!!!

Original post 11:07am

Deadline week, 1 model completed, 1 model near finished, I just need to add the height maps to the model and a few tweaks here and there, and then one final pod racer and then all should be done!

The second model is almost complete, The height maps have been created in a different file so will need to just convert the file and import it into the model itself for the pod racing stadium and it should all be finished!

I was thinking of doing the environment by creating a few boulders of regular spheres but just edit and 'scrunch' them up to form boulders and duplicate and resize to make an effective environment, but I have been shown how to use and create height maps so will be using this as it looks a more realistic environment.

Update 12:39pm

Stadium is coming along, i have added a few more height maps to give the scenery more of a desert feel to it.

Height map used from website:

I jsut need to sort the boarders out around the edge of the stadium maybe make it a bit bigger and all should be finished!

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