Monday 26 October 2015

modelling in 2016

It's a bit of a pain to switch from 2015 to 2016 as I have no idea what functions would work, what wouldn't and what would cause me to lose my files and models, which isn't a fun situation to be in, so In 2016 I will be making my 2nd pod racer, or attempting too, the blue print side of things is...just the greatest to work with, I will have to check up some tutorials to help me in how to make the different views the same size so it isn't stretched etc.

may take a little while, but on the plus side the pod racing stadium isn't looking too bad, is a little bit different to what i was thinking to do long as it looks good and gets finished!

Pod racer stadium report 2

So we have had a few new ideas to add to the pod racer stadium, we have decided to put a ring in the stadium and follow the stairs round in an arc so that it records a stadium affect, its a good idea and will save alot of time....I'm hoping, but we shall see!

I'm hoping to get it finished today as we only have 2 weeks to do this, and i want to add little addition tweeks to the stadium and pod racers to give a bit more of a 3D professional look.

Pod racer stadium

Today I am aiming for the pod racer stadium to be finished it shouldn't take too long to finish a few tweeks here and there, few new models inside and should be all good to go!

Also found out that the models do not have to be textured aswell which is actually alot off the shoulders although it may not sound like it but my god texturing looks stupidly difficult!

Will need to be done at some point I guess, so off to modelling a few re-sizing here and there and stadium done!!!

Monday 19 October 2015

Pod racer 1 Edit

So i went back to my first pod racer to change a few things and something was not quite right, the connecter wire from the pod to the engines was directly in the middle of the engines where the boosters come out, it's still there however the boosters have been divided into four smaller booster around the wire so problem solved! one pod racer fully completed! need to start on the second one.

The stadium has had a few adjustments, the small buildings in the valley are nearly finished just need to mirror and put another part in the center and all done!

3ds max not working!!!

So...great times! had the whole of Wednesday off, decided to take the opportunity to download a student version of 3ds max at home so i could get a good 4-5 hours worth of modelling completed.
Turns out that my desktop at home does not support 64-bit 3ds max which 2016 is only compatible with, and my laptop displays white boxes where the different views should be (which I have found out is a graphic performance issue).
So looks like no modelling for me on the Wednesday, but today is another day!! currently in the labs modelling (after this blog) the stadium. After a short issue with opening the files in an older version of max...let's hope my luck changes as the day goes on....

Monday 12 October 2015

Stadium is coming along nicely

Stadium is coming along nicely! done the outside of the stadium, the seats and boarders etc, will have to make another part of the stadium too, I don't think there is a way even with different angles that I could use and repeat this model for the entirety of the animation. So more models too come! yay!

First model complete!

First model is completed!! After much editing and fiddling with different tools my first pod racer is now complete! 1 out of 3 models completed, now on to the stadium, I will leave the 2nd pod racer for a later date as it should not take as long to make as the stadium will do.
now to figure out how big to make this stadium!
Maybe model one part of the stadium and use different camera angles in the animation to give the idea that it is a massive stadium but just a loop of the same stadium, I may do two different parts including a tunnel too, shouldn't be too hard to make...we shall see down the line!

Monday 5 October 2015


So I've decided to add more work to do then recommended....not the smartest of ideas but will help with the creation of my 3D models, at least that is the plan anyway!
Blueprints include the front side and top view.
drawings aren't exactly the most artistic, but they will do for showing what I want to create and how I wish them to roughly look.
Now to put them into 3Ds times