Tuesday 29 September 2015

House building Tutorial

In week 2 we have been given a task to create a house following a tutorial found on the VLE

It's just a simple house but should help give the techniques we need to help create the models we are making for the assignments

House is coming along nicely, found out how to use the connect tool to create different sections, so there can be more detail added for example see below.

Following the tutorial I have managed to put in some windows using a mixture of the tools given to us, including the extrude, connect, pinching tools

Extrude lets you pull out or push in a polygon.
Pinch lets you pinch the two, or however many you have, edges together.
Connect lets you (using this method) create more edges inbetween the former edges, opening up for more detail.

Monday 28 September 2015

Creation ideas!

Second lesson in, practical time!
I started free drawing ideas for the type of pod racers I wanted to use, as a kind of template to help me along the way.
With the help of Google images for star wars pod racers ( https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=pod+racers&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMI5taCg4WayAIVBj8aCh234wd0&biw=900&bih=1384 )  I was able to use my own ideas plus a few bits here and there from different images to create my own unique pod racers.
The free hand drawings will help with the efficiency of the work creation, I hope!

First ideas

First blog ever, First day back at Uni, first part of the assignment already assigned. Good times!
We have been given the task to creating a short animation piece comprising of 3 separate 3D models & a 30 second animation from the star wars universe.
I had a few ideas for which animation I was going to be carrying out but I have decided to go with a similar scene from the star wars movie, a pod-racing scene.
The modelling will be fun to carry out and the animation, a challenge, but hopefully simple enough to carry out.
Now it is time to search for models and ideas!
Slinky, Out!